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Key Points

  • The Czech Republic will permit nationals of nine countries free access to the Czech labor market beginning July 1, 2024

Overview of the Labor Market Changes

The Czech Republic’s government will introduce free access to the Czech labor market for citizens of nine countries beginning July 1, 2024.

These countries include:

  • Australia
  • Canada
  • Israel
  • Japan
  • New Zealand
  • Singapore
  • South Korea
  • United Kingdom
  • United States

Eligible foreign nationals can start new employment anytime and will not have to wait to receive the Notification of Compliance from the Ministry of the Interior. However, they must notify the government of changes within three days of starting new employment.

Looking Ahead

Continue to check the Czech government’s website for the latest updates and information.

Written by: Jessie Butchley, Global Immigration Writer, Envoy Global
Source: FRS, Czech Republic

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