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Key Points

  • The European Council will allow Serbian nationals with passports issued by the Serbian Coordination Directorate in Belgrade to enter the Schengen area visa-free


The European Council will allow Serbian nationals with passports issued by the Serbian Coordination Directorate in Belgrade to enter the Schengen area visa-free. The Council shared that these measures will go into effect 20 days after the new rules are published in the Official Journal of the EU.

Previously, individuals who held a Serbian passport issued by the Coordination Directorate in Belgrade were not permitted visa-free entry.

According to the Council, these measures aim to ensure that the Western Balkan region is subject to the same visa regime.

Looking Ahead

Continue to check the European Council’s website for the latest updates and information.

Written by: Jessie Butchley, Global Immigration Writer, Envoy Global
Source: European Council of the European Union

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