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Key Points

  • Italy introduced additional information for foreign nationals currently holding a residence permit and applying for citizenship


The government of Italy released information clarifying its residence permit to the citizenship application process on May 20, 2024. As a result, foreign nationals applying for citizenship who currently hold a residence permit may continue working while awaiting their police headquarters appointment. However, applicants must submit the required employment notifications to authorities.

This clarification aims to streamline the application process and reduce uncertainties for foreign nationals seeking Italian citizenship. By allowing individuals to maintain their employment status during the waiting period, the government hopes to promote stability and economic participation among immigrants. This measure is expected to benefit both the applicants and the broader Italian economy, ensuring that valuable skills and labor are not lost during the transition to citizenship.

Looking Ahead

Check the Italian government’s website for the latest updates and information.

Written by: Jessie Butchley, Global Immigration Writer, Envoy Global
Source: Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Italy

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