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  • Denmark announced that starting January 1, 2025, Turkish citizens applying for a Dutch permanent residence permit must present an integration diploma


The government of Denmark announced that starting January 1, 2025, Turkish citizens applying for a Dutch permanent residence permit must present an integration diploma. This requirement also applies to EU long-term residence permits and non-temporary humanitarian residence permits after family reunification.

If the application is submitted before January 1, 2025, the diploma is optional as long as other conditions, such as sufficient income, are met. Exemptions apply to Turkish citizens covered by the “standstill clause” or those under 18 or receiving Algemene OuderdomsWet (AOW) benefits.

Denmark’s new requirement for Turkish citizens to present an integration diploma when applying for a Dutch permanent residence permit starting January 1, 2025, underscores the country’s focus on ensuring successful integration into Danish society. This new rule also extends to applications for EU long-term residence permits and non-temporary humanitarian residence permits after family reunification. Denmark aims to promote language proficiency and cultural understanding among newcomers by mandating an integration diploma. However, Turkish citizens who apply before the 2025 deadline can still opt out of this requirement if they meet other conditions, such as demonstrating sufficient income. Exemptions to this rule provide flexibility for certain groups, including those covered by the “standstill clause,” individuals under 18, and those receiving AOW benefits. Applicants and employers should be aware of these upcoming changes to prepare adequately and ensure compliance with the new integration standards.

Looking Ahead

Continue to check Denmark’s government website for the latest updates and information.

Written by: Jessie Butchley, Global Immigration Writer, Envoy Global
Source: Immigration and Naturalization, Denmark

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