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This article was originally published on November 22, 2021, and was updated on February 23, 2022, to reflect new information.

February 23, 2022 Update: The government of Ireland will allow Irish passport holders with an EU Digital COVID-19 Vaccination Certificate to apply for a new certificate that will include any additional COVID-19 vaccine doses, including a booster dose. The service will be accessible here.

Original Post From November 22, 2021:

Key Points

  • Expanded access to the EU Digital COVID Certificate for Irish passport holders


On November 18, 2021, the government of Ireland expanded access to the EU Digital COVID Certificate service to all Irish passport-holders who were vaccinated outside of the European Union (EU). Applications will be accepted from individuals 18 years and older who hold a valid Irish passport and vaccination certificate for a vaccine-type currently authorized for use for international travel into Ireland. For a list of approved vaccines in Ireland, click here. Applicants will be required to:

  • Upload a copy of their original proof of vaccination, which must show evidence of either an approved single-dose shot or a two-shot dose
  • Provide an Irish passport

What are the Changes?

The government of Ireland will expand access to the EU Digital COVID Certificate to fully vaccinated Irish passport-holders who were vaccinated outside of the EU.

Looking Ahead

Continue to check the government of Ireland’s website for additional information and updates.

Source: Department of Health, Ireland

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