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Key Points

  • Malaysia will introduce instant approvals for foreign knowledge worker projection quota applications beginning June 4, 2024

Changes to the Projection Quota Approval Process

The government of Malaysia will introduce instant approvals for Foreign Knowledge Worker (FKW) projection quota applications beginning June 4, 2024. As a result, companies will still be required to apply for a projection on expatriates for 2024. This includes all new and renewed Employment Passes (EP).

All applications submitted before June 4, 2024 that do not receive approval must be resubmitted under the new procedures. This includes submitting proof of the following:

  • Total headcount of local and foreign employees
  • Number of FKWs, including new and renewed EPs
  • Justification on the quota projection

Only used quotas will be transferrable to the following year.

Looking Ahead

Continue to check the government of Malaysia’s website for the latest updates and information.

Written by: Jessie Butchley, Global Immigration Writer, Envoy Global
Source: Malaysia Digital Economy Operations

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