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Key Points

  • The Department of Labor (DOL) has issued a Request For Information (RFI) copy to revise Schedule A occupations
  • The public can comment on the RFI, which would update STEM and non-STEM occupations
  • Public input will influence how the DOL updates Schedule A


The Department of Labor (DOL) has posted an advanced Request For Information (RFI) copy to allow the public to provide input on revising Schedule A occupations, which will update STEM and other non-STEM occupations.

The Employment and Training (ETA) Division of the DOL plans to revise portions of Schedule A of the permanent labor certification process to include more occupations in the Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM) occupations and more non-STEM occupations. These revisions may ensure quicker green card processing for these vital STEM and non-STEM occupations, as Schedule A occupations are pre-determined not to have sufficient US workers available for employment. Employers and other interested individuals are encouraged to comment on the new RFI. The public may provide input on the notice, including data and other relevant information on how the DOL can establish a reliable and transparent method of updating Schedule A, consistent with the requirements of the Immigration and Nationality Act (INA).

Information the DOL receives from the public will help determine how to revise Schedule A and ensure it effectively responds to national labor shortages.

Looking Ahead

The DOL expects to post its updated list in the Federal Register shortly. Those interested in submitting comments may do so through the federal eRulemaking portal website.

Written by: Lucy Halse, Content Marketing Associate, Envoy Global
Edited by: Dmitri Pikman, Supervising Attorney, Corporate Immigration Partners
Source: American Immigration Lawyers Association (AILA)

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