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Key Points

  • The Czech Republic will update its labor market testing requirements for sponsors of employees on an Employee Card


Beginning July 1, 2024, the government of the Czech Republic will update its labor market test requirements for sponsored employers of an Employee Card. Sponsored employers must ensure that a job vacancy has been submitted and published by the Labor Office. Still, they will no longer be required to advertise the opening for ten to 30 days before beginning the hiring process of a foreign national worker.

The advertising process will differ depending on the position opening, the experience level of the advertised role, and other considerations.

This update aims to streamline the hiring process for foreign national workers, making it more efficient for employers to fill critical roles. By removing the mandatory advertising period, the Czech Republic intends to reduce bureaucratic hurdles and expedite the recruitment process for sponsored employers. This change is particularly beneficial for industries facing labor shortages, allowing them to respond more swiftly to workforce demands. The revised advertising process will be tailored to the specific requirements of each job opening, taking into account factors such as the role’s complexity and the level of expertise required. This approach underscores the Czech Republic’s commitment to maintaining a dynamic and adaptable labor market that can better meet the needs of its growing economy.

Looking Ahead

Continue to check the government of the Czech Republic’s website for the latest updates and information.

Written by: Jessie Butchley, Global Immigration Writer, Envoy Global
Source: Consulate General of the Czech Republic

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